The STAR Technique is a proven method to help applicants structure their answers in applications and in interviews. It helps make answers more concise and structured in a way that the assessor can easily understand. It also makes tailoring the answers to the role being applied for much easier.
- Situation 10% – Describe the event or situation you were faced with. (e.g. Working an undergraduate Open Day with Covid-19 restrictions in effect)
- Task 10% – Explain the task/responsibility you were given to complete or the problem that you had to overcome (e.g. Being placed in charge of managing Applicant visits to accommodation, however because of Covid 19 restrictions there were long waiting times)
- Action 70% - Explain how you fulfilled that task/responsibility or overcame the problem presented (e.g. Assessed the situation and feedback to the Supervising assistant. Worked with the residential services team to open more accommodation to view and comply with current restrictions)
- Result 10% – Explain the outcome of your action and how it impacted the situation (e.g. By working with various teams and opening more accommodation, I was able to reduce waiting times of applicants, giving them a more positive experience and demonstrating good customer service)
NB - Use the percentages in the above points to help guide how much of your answer should focus on the different parts of the STAR Technique