Starting your own business is easier than you think and can be incredibly rewarding. It’s also one of the best ways to gain business skills – you may learn more in 6 months of running your own business than a few years at a company. So even if your first idea doesn’t work out, you’ll gain experience that will make you much more employable
Be Supported to Start Your Business
Founders Fund
The Founders Funds are funding opportunities available for Swansea University student and graduate entrepreneurs (within two years of graduating) to help develop, launch and grow their business, freelance career or social enterprise.
Important Notice
- Those wishing to apply may only submit an application to one funding option at a time. Please read the eligibility information on your selected fund to ensure you are applying to the appropriate option.
- This funding is highly competitive and we only have a certain amount to allocate each year. The Student Enterprise Team reserve the right to withdraw the funding opportunity at any time.
- Applications will be reviewed at the end of each month. Please allow up to 6 weeks to be notified on the outcome of your application.
- The maximum amount students and graduates can receive from the Student Enterprise Team is £3,000. For example, if you are successful in applying for Founders Fund 1,000 and 3,000, the total amount you could receive is £3,000.
- Students or graduates who have also received £3,000 from the previous Big Pitch competitions will not be able to apply as they have reached the total amount available to students and graduates.
The Launchpad
The Launchpad is a newly refurbished incubation space for budding entrepreneurs and business owners to use to conduct meetings, market research and connect with fellow entrepreneurs.
Located in the Talbot building, this space offers an enclosed meeting booth, so that you can meet potential clients or mentors in privacy. It also has a large meeting space if you have a team to support your business, as well as an area to conduct more informal chats.
If you are interested in using this space, please email
The Launchpad
Business Support
The Enterprise Team is on hand to offer bespoke, 1-2-1 business support for our students and graduates. Whether this is by meeting one of the team, or getting you paired up with a mentor from our oustanding alumni who work alongside us.
We can help you form the start of business plans, whilst figuring out financing and practical elements like where to trade and connecting you with local entrepreneurs in your field.
If you would like to have a start-up meeting with one of the team, please email
The Enterprise Team have a wealth of connections with alumni, local entrepreneurs and networks across South Wales to support your start-up journey. After meeting with us, we will put you in touch with someone we think will be able to guide and mentor you in your journey to starting up a business.
Entrepreneur in Residence
Our Entrepreneur in Residence joins us once a month to offer 1-2-1 meetings with our student and graduate business owners. In these meetings, you are able to ask them questions about all things running a business!
Chris James is a highly experienced entrepreneur having started up 8 businesses and been a director in 14 limited companies. Chis has run technology, retail, software, professional services, third sector and marketing companies. He has worked in 4 European countries and has undertaken projects and delivered training in Bahrain, Turkey, Egypt and the USA. During his 35 years of consultancy experience, Chris has worked with academic institutions, development agencies and a wide range of companies including more than 400 SME business improvement projects. Chris is accomplished in both one-to-one mentoring and group presentation. This has most recently included mentoring support with Menter a Busnes, Welsh Government Accelerated Growth Programme, and delivery of digital marketing workshops with Superfast Business Wales. Chris has designed and delivered team role and skills development programmes for both academia and business including management training programmes in multi-national pharmaceutical and technology-based organisations. He has designed programmes such as the EPSRC funded Bridging Innovation programme for commercialising academic research and he has delivered on the LEAD programme in Wales and the Accelerator Programme at Swansea University. Chris was recently commissioned to design and deliver workshops for BUCANIER (food and drink, life sciences, and energy) in Wales and for CALIN (life science and medical organisations in Wales and Ireland). He is current engaged by the European Commission as a consultant on EISMEA-I3 grant submissions.
Trading on Campus
Test-trading is a fantastic way to get a feel for the market you're breaking into. Through the Enterprise Team, you are able to trade across both Singleton and Bay Campus with our bespoke trading stands.
With a thriving student community, you will have an engaged audience which will allow your business to gain traction and following, as well as feedback on new products or launches.
Student Union Pop-Up Shop
Swansea University Students Union currently have a pop-up shop available in Fulton House. The space is available from the hours of 10am to 4pm.
Currently any food vendors or catering businesses aren’t permitted to use the space. Please fill out our trading on campus form, choosing the Pop-Up Shop as your preferred trading location to use the space.
If you are interested in trading on campus, please click here to complete the enquiry form.