How to succeed at interview

An interview is an important step in the recruitment process, employers will usually ask you to submit a CV or job application, before completing an interview and the successful candidate is selected. An interview is your opportunity to tell them about why you want the job and what you have to offer. It is normal to feel nervous, Swansea Employability Academy (SEA) are here to help you succeed!

Whether your interview is virtual or in person, here are 3 top tips to ace that interview.

Firstly, research the organisation and show enthusiasm for the role. Look at the company website, social media channels and review the job description. Gain an understanding of the organisations sector and how it fit your values.

Secondly, prepare, link your skills and experience to the job. Employers are interested in all different types of work experience. Beforehand think of examples from work, study, or extracurricular activities such as being a student rep, to show how you can do the job. For example, have you had a part time job that required you to work with others to complete a task, this would be a useful example for an interview question on team working.

SEA’s Career Development Course, a free online course, developed with employers specifically for Swansea University and can be done in your own time for maximum flexibility. There are units covering a range of topics, to help you along each stage of the recruitment process. For example, the ‘Ace That Interview’ unit is designed to coach you to succeed at interviews.

Already graduated? We’ve still got you!

SEA’s Graduate support Programme helps alumnus for two years post-graduation. This includes our Graduate Career Development Course, a tailored programme for post-graduation. The Graduate Support Programme also allows Swansea alumnus to access a dedicated support team, on hand to offer one to one career advice appointments to help you with career planning, CV checks, interview preparation or just to chat things through with an expert. 

Finally, practice, practice, practice! Focus on the positives, you have made it to interview because the employer liked something in your CV or application. Practice for interviews using the SEA online practise tool, Shortlist Me. Here you can simulate a real interview setting, rehearse, and record your responses and gain AI feedback on your answers. You can choose from a range of sector specific roles and organisations.

You can also improve by:-

  • Drafting answers to possible questions
  • Practice your answers out loud. You could even video your answers, and then reflect upon them.
    Ask yourself some key questions:-
  • Did my answer make sense?
  • Did I answer the question?
  • Was my response well structured?
  • Was my body language and tone positive?
  • How could I improve upon my answer?

Mock interviews

When you have confirmed interview dates for a job, course or research you may the wish to arrange a mock interview with a careers adviser – see our page on speaking with a careers adviser.

Video Interviews Practice

Practice video interview for free via the platform 

Assessment Centres

Assessment centres are used by employers to create an environment where you, along with other candidates, demonstrate key workplace skills. These include communication, teamwork, problem-solving, time management and leadership. These skills could be assessed through activities like group work, presentations, case studies or e-tray exercises.

Try the ‘Ace that interview’ unit in the Career Development Course for more information and guidance.