1.   Introduction


The Accuracy of Published Marks procedure provides students with the opportunity to query with their Faculty/School the accuracy of the marks/grades recorded against their name or the accuracy of the overall module/Level average. Checks are then made to ensure that the marks recorded for particular assessments and the overall module are free of arithmetical or other errors of fact and have been accurately recorded.


The procedure does not involve assessments being re-marked nor will it provide further information as to the reasons for particular marks having been awarded.


If a candidate wishes to receive further clarification as to why they have been awarded a particular mark for an assessment, they will need to contact their Faculty/School to discuss this. The University will not however permit work to be remarked or reconsidered in the absence of any upheld grounds for appeal. An examiner’s decision in awarding marks is deemed academic judgement and cannot itself form the subject of an academic appeal. The grounds for an academic appeal are listed at Regulation 2.3 of the University’s Appeal Procedures.


The procedure also applies to marks/grades awarded by a partner university which contribute to a Swansea University award, including the conversion of marks/grades from a partner institution by the Faculty/School.

2.   Submission of a Request 


All requests must be made in writing to the Executive Dean or their delegate as soon as possible after the relevant Examining Board and no later than 10 days of notification of the Examining Board decision. A pro forma, AR1TP-1-BI, is available from Academic Forms site.


The time limit may only be extended in wholly exceptional cases, where delay was unavoidable and where evidence has been presented to substantiate a claim by a candidate that it was impossible or impractical to submit a request within the time limit.


Students may only request a verification of their published marks, on the following grounds:

  • That the student wishes to clarify that the mark has been accurately transcribed;
  • That the student wishes to clarify that all components on a module have been taken into consideration;
  • That the mark/grade awarded by the partner institution has been converted fairly and in accordance with the relevant conversion table.

When submitting a Request to confirm the Accuracy of Published Marks a student must include the following information:

  • The grounds on which the request is submitted;
  • The desired outcome from the point of view of the candidate. The desired outcome must be permissible within the current regulations.

3.   Procedures for the Consideration of Requests


It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Dean (or nominee)/Chair of the appropriate Examination Board to investigate and confirm the accuracy of the published mark(s). 

4.   Outcome of the Request


The following outcomes are available:

i. The Executive Dean (or nominee)/Chair of the appropriate Examination Board confirms the assessment published by the University is free of arithmetical or other errors of fact. The Faculty/School shall inform the student of the outcome.

ii. If an error is detected, the Faculty/School contacts Education Services recommending a course of action which could include:

  • Amending the relevant mark(s);
  • Amending the relevant mark(s) and end of year/end of part decision administratively on behalf of the Progression and Award Board;
  • Referring the request and the report back to the original Examination Board for consideration.


In each case, the Faculty/School shall inform the student of the outcome.

5.   Candidate Status During the Process


A candidate who submits a request part way through the level, year or part, where the affected mark might have an influence on a student's progression, may continue provisionally until such time as the outcome of the check is known. Attendance on clinical placements shall be at the discretion of the Faculty/School.


A candidate who submits a request at the end of the level, year or part of study, where the decision of the original Examination Board is that they are not entitled to progress to the next level, year or part, shall not be permitted to enrol for the next level, year or part until such time as the outcome of the check is known. The decision of the original Examination Board will stand pending the outcome of the check.


A candidate who is deemed to be eligible for an award and who subsequently submits a request to check the accuracy of a published mark shall be permitted to graduate and to receive the award agreed by the original Examining Board/University Board, on an interim basis until the outcome of the check is known.