Regulations for the Award of Posthumous Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates

1.     Definition

A posthumous qualification may be awarded to a deceased student who has completed sufficient study for the award (see 2.1).

2.     Introduction


A Faculty/School may recommend to the University Progression and Awards Board that a posthumous undergraduate, postgraduate taught or research award be conferred where there is sufficient evidence of the candidate’s performance  to demonstrate that the candidate would have reached the standard required for the award in question.


A posthumous degree shall normally be a named award, as appropriate, except in those cases where professional body requirements dictate otherwise.


If the candidate had completed all the assessment requirements for the award, the case should be considered by the appropriate Faculty/School Examination Board.

3.     Procedures for Making the Award


Application for consideration for a posthumous award must be made by the candidate’s Faculty/School, with the permission of the candidate's family or next of kin, in writing to the Director of Education Services.


The application shall be considered by the University Progression and Awards Board with reference to the recommendation of the Faculty/School. 


The University Progression and Awards Board shall approve or not approve the award. The decision shall be conveyed to the candidate’s family or next of kin and reported to the appropriate Faculty/School.

4.     Reporting, Monitoring, Evaluation and Review


It shall be the responsibility of the University’s Regulations, Quality and Standards Board to review the regulations for the Award of Posthumous Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates and their effectiveness and make recommendations for changes, where appropriate, to be considered by the University Education Committee.