Master of Arts by Research – MA by Research
Master of Science by Research – MSc by Research
Master of Laws by Research – LLM by Research
Master of Arts by Research – MA by Research
Master of Science by Research – MSc by Research
Master of Laws by Research – LLM by Research
These academic regulations should be read in conjunction with the following Swansea University Guides which expand on the regulations and provide procedural guidance:
This section should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guide to Research Student Admissions.
Master’s degrees are awarded to students who have demonstrated:
Typically, holders of the qualification will be able to:
And holders will have:
All candidates must enrol as students of Swansea University and pay the appropriate fees prescribed by the University. As enrolled students, candidates must comply with the University’s academic and general regulations.
Candidates may not concurrently be enrolled on another programme leading to the award of a qualification in this or any other university/institution without the express permission of the Chair of the Regulations, Quality and Standards Board.
All candidates are required to monitor the allocated University email account throughout the candidature period as all electronic correspondence from the University will only be sent to the candidate’s University email account. All candidates are strongly advised to use the allocated University email account when communicating with the University.
The level of study of the research degree governed by these regulations shall be at Level 7 of the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ Level 7).
This section should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guide to Research Student Admissions.
A candidate for the degree of Master of Research must hold an initial degree of a UK university or another university approved by Senate.
All candidates whose native language is not English must provide evidence of competence in English language sufficient for research study, and after admission to the University may be required to take additional instruction in English language.
The decision as to whether an applicant should be admitted to a proposed programme of research shall rest with the relevant Executive Dean or nominee. Decisions should be based on the following factors:
All candidates must matriculate within the first three months of candidature in accordance with the general University regulations governing Matriculation.
All candidates are required to comply with the University’s Guide to Research Student Admissions.
This section should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guide to Research Student Admissions.
A candidate may study for the degree of Master’s by Research by one of the following Methods:
A) As a full-time student, by pursuing research at the University;
B) As a full-time student, by pursuing research in an external place of employment;
C) As a part-time student, by pursuing research either at the University or externally;
D) As a full-time student, by pursuing research within an approved programme of research offered collaboratively by the University and another University/approved partner.
The degree of Master’s by Research may not be conferred as an honorary degree.
This section should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guide to Research Degree Candidature and the University’s Guide to Transfer and Withdrawal of Research Students.
A candidate must pursue a programme of supervised study, including research and generic skills' development as either a full-time or a part-time student. The minimum periods of supervised study from the date of enrolment are set out in the University’s Guide to Research Degree Candidature.
Notwithstanding paragraph 4.1, a candidate enrolling as a student under Method D (as defined in paragraph 3.1) may, with the expressed permission of the Faculty/School and University, be permitted to undertake a period or periods of study at another institution. Minimum periods of study at the University shall be agreed at time of admission. Should such permission be granted, the revised minimum period of study shall be agreed by the Regulations, Quality and Standards Board.
The regulation governing reduction of candidature period is not relevant to this degree.
The regulation governing transfer of credits for the training element is not relevant to this degree.
Candidates may in some cases apply to, or be required by, the Student Cases Board to transfer mode of study or programme of study as set out in the University’s Guide to Transfer and Withdrawal of Research Students. In such cases the University will determine a revised minimum period of study.
Candidates shall be prohibited from transferring their candidature to another institution after the minimum period of candidature, as outlined in paragraph 1 of the University’s Guide to Research Degree Candidature, has been completed at this University.
This section should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guide to Research Degree Candidature.
All candidates are required to submit a thesis by the maximum submission date as set out in paragraph 1 of the University’s Guide to Research Degree Candidature, current at the time of admission and as stated in the formal Offer Letter.
Where a candidate fails to submit a thesis by the maximum submission date the University may require the candidature to be terminated.
This section should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guide to Suspensions and Extensions for Research Students and the University’s Guide to Transfer and Withdrawal of Research Students
Under exceptional circumstances and in accordance with the University’s Guide to Suspensions and Extensions for Research Students a candidate may be required to undertake a suspension of candidature due to disciplinary, financial or health reasons.
Under exceptional circumstances candidates may request a suspension of candidature or an extension to candidature. All requests for suspensions of candidature and extensions to candidature should be made in accordance with paragraph 2 of the University’s Guide to Suspensions and Extensions for Research Students.
Where a candidate undertakes a suspension of candidature, as outlined in paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2 above, a return to study date must be specified at the time of suspension.
Where a candidate fails to resume study by the return to study date, the candidate will be considered to have withdrawn from the programme effective from the start of the suspension, as set out in paragraph 7 of the University’s Guide to Transfer and Withdrawal of Research Students.
Established research students that have completed a year or more of their full-time research study but have exceeded the maximum suspension time allowed, would usually be required to withdraw by Student Cases Board; however, in exceptional circumstances, these students may be permitted to subsequently re-apply to be re-enrolled at the same stage of the previous research (within a maximum time period of two years from the date of withdrawal). Only under these circumstances may a student be allowed a reduced candidature period.
This section should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guide to Postgraduate Research Supervision.
Candidates shall be supervised, on a regular and continuing basis in accordance with the procedures for postgraduate supervision as set out in the University’s Guide to Postgraduate Research Supervision.
Every candidate will have a supervisory team appointed by the candidate’s Executive Dean or nominee. The supervisory team shall consist of at least two internal supervisors who are eligible for appointment as set out in the University’s Guide to Postgraduate Research Supervision. One supervisor will be designated as the first/primary supervisor.
The internal supervisors must be members of staff at Swansea University as set out in the University’s Guide to Postgraduate Research Supervision. The first/primary supervisor will have main responsibility for reporting progress to the Faculty/School and Progression and Awards Board, as set out in paragraph 8.
In some cases it may be necessary to appoint supervisors external to the Faculty/School or University. In the case of External University Supervisors eligibility will be determined by criteria and procedures set out in the University’s Guide Postgraduate Research Supervision, and with the approval of the Regulations, Quality and Standards Board. Such supervisors will be given official recognition within the University.
This section should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guide to Progress Monitoring of Research Students.
The Faculty/School is required to confirm the candidature of each candidate within three months of the initial enrolment of the candidate as set out in paragraph 2 of the University’s Guide to Progress Monitoring of Research Students.
If a Faculty/School is unable to confirm the candidature of a candidate within three months of initial enrolment of the candidature, the candidate may be required to suspend or withdraw from the programme.
A candidate’s progress in minimum candidature shall be monitored on a regular basis by the Progression and Awards Board in order to decide whether the candidate be permitted to continue. Progress will be monitored at specific stages as detailed in the University’s Guide to Progress Monitoring of Research Students.
Candidates who go beyond their minimum candidature will continue to be monitored on a regular basis by the Progression and Awards Board until the submission of the thesis or the end of the candidature.
If a candidate’s progress is deemed to be unsatisfactory by the Progression and Awards Board, the candidate may be required to transfer on to another programme, or required to withdraw from the programme.
In the case of paragraphs 8.2 and 8.5 above, affected candidates shall have the right to seek an appeal against progression decisions in accordance with the Swansea University Accuracy of Published Marks procedures or Academic Appeals procedures.
This section should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guide to the Employment of Research Students.
Candidates who seek employment in addition to their studies, either within the University or external to it, shall abide by the guidelines on employment as published in the University’s Guide to the Employment of Research Students.
This section should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guide to the Submission and Presentation of a Thesis for Research Students.
Candidates for the degree of Master’s by Research shall be examined in two parts:
The Executive Dean may delegate the administrative tasks concerning the submission and examination of a thesis to a member of their staff and shall also nominate a Chair of the Examining Board. The Chair should be a member of staff of the Faculty/School with appropriate experience who has not been otherwise directly involved with the supervision of the candidate.
The Examining Board may require the candidate to sit a written examination.
Candidates are required to sit examinations at the time specified by the Faculty/School and/or to submit assignments by the specified deadlines. Failure to sit an examination or submit work by the specified date will result in a mark of 0% being recorded.
The pass mark for all training modules shall be 50% and there shall be no condoned failures.
On the recommendation of the Faculty/School, the Progression and Awards Board will require a candidate who fails up to 20 credits in the training element to withdraw from the programme with immediate effect. A candidate who fails 30 credits or more in the training element shall be automatically required to withdraw from the programme.
In the case of a candidate who has failed up to 20 credits in the training element but has not been required to withdraw by the Progression and Awards Board, the candidate shall be given one opportunity to redeem any failed training module. All failed training modules must be redeemed within the maximum period of candidature.
A candidate who fails a training module at the second attempt shall be automatically required to withdraw from the programme.
The results of examinations for the training element shall be viewed and approved by the Faculty/School Examining Board in the presence of the programme external examiner who shall be nominated and appointed in accordance with the procedures detailed in the Swansea University Code of Practice for External Examiners. The programme external examiner may also be responsible, or partly responsible, for other taught programmes or training elements of research programmes.
The co-ordinator of the programme shall be responsible for collating the results of the training element and presenting the results of all candidates to the Progression and Awards Board.
Candidates who are required to withdraw from the University shall be given the opportunity to appeal against this decision through the Swansea University Accuracy of Published Marks procedures or Academic Appeals procedures.
This section should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guide to the Submission and Presentation of a Thesis for Research Students and the University’s Guide to the Examination of Research Students.
Candidates shall notify of their intention to submit a thesis for examination, at least three months prior to the expected date of submission.
On completion of the minimum candidature period, a candidate shall submit an electronic copy of a thesis for examination in accordance with the University’s Guide to the Submission and Presentation of a Thesis for Research Students. Should an examiner request a paper copy of the thesis, this will be provided by the candidate via the Postgraduate Research support team.
All candidates must submit an updated electronic copy of the thesis after examination, if any corrections or amendments have been made.
Any candidate who is following a programme of research at the University may choose to submit a thesis or other work in either English or Welsh. A candidate who wishes to be assessed in a language (i.e. either English or Welsh) which is not the main language of tuition/assessment for the programme concerned is required to notify the Student Cases Board before the end of the minimum period of candidature. Also, requests to be assessed in Welsh must be submitted via the Faculty/School before the end of the minimum period of candidature to enable translation arrangements to be undertaken. Arrangements will be put in place as outlined in the University’s Guide to the Examination of Research Students.
For students pursuing research under Method ‘D’ (collaborative), it might be a requirement to submit work in a foreign language due to the nature of the collaborative degree.
In cases where it may be considered appropriate for a thesis to be submitted in a language other than English/Welsh for academic reasons or where submission of the thesis in another language is a requirement of the specific programme, such as students enrolled under Method D (as defined in paragraph 3.1), permission may be given by the Student Cases Board where a reasoned case has been submitted for approval. The Student Cases Board shall not, however, give approval to requests based upon the candidate’s lack of ability to produce work for submission in either English or Welsh.
On notification of intention to submit, the Executive Dean or nominee shall nominate members of the Examining Board which shall be constituted in accordance with paragraph 14 below and as set out in the University’s Guide to the Examination of Research Students. The candidate shall be informed of the names of the proposed members of the Examining Board. The appointment of members of the Examining Board shall be confirmed by the Progression and Awards Board.
Candidates who are resubmitting a thesis which has previously failed to satisfy the Examining Board shall be required to submit the modified thesis in accordance with the University’s Guide to the Submission and Presentation of a Thesis for Research Students. The candidate will also be required to pay an additional resubmission fee.
This section should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guide to Submission and Presentation of the Thesis and the Guide to the Examination of Research Students.
A thesis submitted for a higher degree of the University shall normally be openly available and subject to no security classification or restriction of access.
Notwithstanding paragraph 13.1, the University may be permitted, on a special recommendation approved by the Executive Dean or nominee, to place a bar on photocopying and/or access to a candidate’s work for a period of up to five years. An application for a bar on access should be made to the Executive Dean or nominee prior to the examination of the thesis.
This paragraph should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guide to the Examination of Research Students.
All Examining Boards for candidates shall consist of the following individuals:
The Chair of the Examining Board shall be independent in the examining process and shall be responsible to the Postgraduate Research Committee for the conduct of the examination.
The candidate’s supervisors, or any member of staff involved in the supervision of the candidate, shall not be permitted to be part of the Examining Board, but may be invited by the Chair of the Examining Board, with the express prior written permission of the candidate, to attend the oral examination in an advisory role. An adviser may speak only when invited to do so by the Chair.
In the case of a candidate who is a member of staff of the University at the time of the examination, the Examining Board shall consist of the following individuals:
The Chair of the Examining Board shall be responsible for ensuring that the internal examiner(s) and the external examiner(s) receive copies of the thesis to be examined as well as any other relevant documents as set out in the University’s Guide to the Examination of Research Students.
This section should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guide to the Submission and Presentation of a Thesis for Research Students and the University’s Guide to the Examination of Research Students.
The Examining Board shall be required to conduct an oral examination of candidates for research degrees in all cases. In the case of a student who is allowed to re-submit within 12 months, a second Viva would normally be expected. However, in exceptional cases, the requirement for a second oral examination may be waived where a detailed case for waiving the oral examination has been provided in the written report by the Chair of the Examining Board. The written report will have to be agreed and be counter-signed by all members of the Examining Board.
All oral examinations would normally take place at Swansea University within six months of the date of submission of the thesis. Any exceptions would either have to be agreed as an exception or agreed to reflect the nature of the degree e.g. those students studying under Method ‘D’ (collaborative – see paragraph 3.1).
A candidate requiring special provision for the oral examination is required to notify the Progression and Awards Board prior to the submission of the thesis. Arrangements will be put in place as outlined in the University’s Guide to the Examination of Research Students.
A candidate’s supervisors shall have the right to convey to the Chair of the Examining Board any concerns relevant to a candidate’s research project, the resulting thesis or its examination which the supervisors consider the Board should take into account prior to reaching its decision. The supervisors shall convey these concerns, in writing, both to the Chair and to the candidate as soon as practicable after the presentation of the thesis to the Examining Board and, in any event, early enough to allow the candidate sufficient time prior to the examination of the thesis (including any oral examination) to consider the points made and prepare a response.
The oral examination shall be conducted in accordance with the University’s Guide to the Examination of Research Students. The recommendation of the Examining Board shall be presented to the Progression and Awards Board for confirmation.
For Aegrotat guidance regulations refer to the Aegrotat Degree Regulations.
For Posthumous guidance regulations refer to the Posthumous Degree Regulations.
Candidates who are not recommended by the Examining Board for the award of the degree in respect of which they submitted their thesis may appeal against the decision reached and request an academic appeal. All appeals shall be conducted in accordance with the Swansea University Accuracy of Published Marks procedures or Academic Appeals procedures.
Allegations of academic misconduct shall be considered in accordance with the Swansea University Academic Misconduct procedure. Allegations of academic misconduct received by the University after the degree has been conferred upon the candidate shall be considered by the degree awarding institution.
Allegations regarding fitness to practise shall be considered in accordance with the Swansea University Fitness to Practise regulations.
Students who feel dissatisfied with the teaching and learning, facilities or services provided by the University, or with the way the University, its students or its staff have acted or omitted to act, should follow the procedures set out in the Swansea University Complaints Procedure.
International students who need a visa to study in the University should be aware that their continued study at the University is dependent upon them meeting the conditions of their visa and the time-limits set by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). For more information please refer to
Decisions taken by the University with regard to a candidate’s enrolment status, academic performance, progression and award shall be made in accordance with the University’s academic and financial regulations and shall not be informed by visa restrictions and time-limits set by the UKVI. However, continued study is conditional upon meeting the University’s requirements and holding a valid visa. Students who have any concerns or queries regarding their visa should contact International@CampusLife.