This section should be read in conjunction with the University’s Guide to Progress Monitoring of Research Students.
The Faculty/School is required to confirm the candidature of each candidate within three months of the initial enrolment of the candidate as set out in paragraph 2 of the University’s Guide to Progress Monitoring of Research Students.
If a Faculty/School is unable to confirm the candidature of a candidate within three months of initial enrolment of the candidature, the candidate may be required to suspend or withdraw from the programme.
A candidate’s progress in minimum candidature shall be monitored on a regular basis by the Progression and Awards Board in order to decide whether the candidate be permitted to progress.
Both the research and teaching performance will be reviewed yearly. Satisfactory performance in both is needed to remain on the (GTA PhD) programme. Specifically, with regard to teaching the first six months are monitored by probation: the other years will be handled by yearly Professional Development Reviews (PDRs). Students must have submitted/and ideally passed their AFHEA after two years.
Borderline cases:
(1) Research not satisfactory. Failure of research progression would result in the University reserving the right to terminate employment as it is a condition of employment that the individual is and remains a registered student for the duration of the contract and is effectively progressing in their studies. The condition of being enrolled (and remaining to be enrolled) as a PhD student, is a requirement for the GTA employment.
(2) Teaching part not satisfactory. The student will not pass probation if the teaching part is unsatisfactory during the first year. This would lead to an end of the employment and the loss of PhD funding. The student would be allowed to continue with a normal PhD programme if the research performance is good, and, other funding is available. After the first year the (unsatisfactory) teaching progress would be monitored by the PDR/capability process, and a negative outcome would lead to an end of employment and end of PhD funding. It may be possible for the student to transfer to the standard PhD programme, subject to sufficient remaining maximal candidature.
Candidates who go beyond their minimum candidature will continue to be monitored on a regular monthly basis by the Progression and Awards Board until the submission of the thesis or the end of the candidature.
If a candidate’s progress is deemed to be unsatisfactory by the Progression and Awards Board, the candidate may be required to transfer on to another programme, or required to withdraw from the programme.
Candidates who do not receive the AFHEA recognition in Year 2 can reapply in Year 3.
In the case of paragraphs 8.2 and 8.5 above, affected candidates shall have the right to appeal against progression decisions in accordance with the Swansea University Accuracy of Published Marks procedures or Academic Appeals procedures.