See also:

  • Fee Information
  • Payment of Fees
  • Suspension of Studies/Withdrawing from the University

The University reserves the right to take appropriate action in relation to students who have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the University as a result of:

  • Debts relating to Accommodation fees;
  • Debts relating to Tuition fees.

In summary, you are expected to pay or to make arrangements for the payment of fees at the beginning of the session. Any additional costs incurred during the course of an academic year, e.g. accommodation charges, should be paid by the agreed dates.

Tuition Fees

If you fall behind with the payment of University tuition fees and charges the University shall attempt to recover any debt outstanding as soon as possible. This process will involve sending you an initial warning letter.

Unless the debt is cleared following the second warning letter, you may be required to suspend studies. Before suspension is imposed you will be given an opportunity to have any extenuating circumstances considered during the ‘appeal against suspension process’. Normally you will not be allowed to return to study until the next session, even if the debt is subsequently cleared.

If you remain in debt from a previous session you will not be allowed to enrol at the beginning of a new academic year. If you are in the final year of study you must clear your debts to the University by the first day of the examination period at the very latest. Failure to do so will result in the Director of Education Services instructing University Examination Boards to exclude you from attending. The consequence of such action will be that you will not be considered for an award for any exams you have taken and will not be invited to the award ceremony for that session.

Accommodation Fees

If your debt relates to University accommodation fees you will be referred to Residential Services Debt Management Policy, which is distinct from other University debt recovery procedures. If you are having difficulty paying residence fees by the due date you are advised to contact the Finance Service Co-ordinator in Residential Services as soon as possible (by telephone on +44 (0)1792 295101, or via email to accommodation.

Financial advice is available from Money@CampusLife for students encountering financial difficulty, limited funds may also be available.