two people sat looking at laptop

You should also familiarise yourself with the Student Route (previously Tier 4) Engagement Monitoring Policy and the Statement on Engagement as The University has a legal duty to act on non-attendance to meet its requirements in reporting attendance to external sponsors, as well as meeting the sponsorship requirements of UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) for the monitoring of International students studying in the UK on a Student Route (previously Tier 4) student visa. A centralised electronic system has been developed for monitoring attendance for these purposes.

Issues of Relevance - Student Route (previously Tier 4)


If you are a postgraduate research student from outside the European Union, enrolled full-time at the University for a Research Degree, you must read the following information carefully and plan your studies accordingly:

  • If you are a non-EU national who requires a student visa to study in the UK, you must be in full-time study in order to get a Student Route (previously Tier 4) visa; It is only possible to study part-time if you qualify for another UK visa status;
  • In order to apply for a Student Route (previously Tier 4) visa, you will need a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) from the University;
  • There are four possible enrolment dates each year for a PhD or MPhil (1 January, 1 April, 1 July, 1 October) and your CAS will show your agreed enrolment date;
  • MRes students must check to confirm when their programme commences. MRes programmes may not have as many enrolment dates as a traditional research programme;
  • You can request that your student visa be valid up to one month before your enrolment date, to enable you to enter the UK and prepare yourself for your studies;
  • The UK Visas and Immigration visa rules state that the expiry date of your student visa will be at the end of your maximum candidature plus 4 months, as follows:
    • 4 years plus 4 months for a PhD candidate;
    • 3 years plus 4 months for an MPhil candidate;
    • 2 years plus 4 months for an MRes candidate.
  • The visa rules do not allow you to have a visa for any longer, unless the University extends your candidature;
  • As it can take more than four months after submission of the thesis for you to take a viva exam and make corrections, the University strongly advises you not to wait until the end of the fourth year of candidature before submitting a thesis;
  • If you do submit your thesis at the end of your candidature, you are likely to find that your visa has expired before your degree is formally confirmed, and you may not be able to stay in the UK in order to make a further visa application or take up a job offer.

If you have any questions about your visa and other immigration matters, please contact the University’s International Students Advisory Service by emailing international.campuslife.


As of April 2013, any PhD student with a valid Student Route (previously Tier 4) visa and nearing successful completion of their degree is eligible to apply, to extend their leave to remain in the UK for a further 12 months. Students should apply within the 60 days before the completion of their course. The intention of this scheme is to enable students to find skilled employment, to undertake work experience or to set up as an entrepreneur, however these new work rights do not begin until the PhD has been awarded. Please refer to Student Route (previously Tier 4) Doctoral Extension Scheme for further information.


In the event any changes are made to postgraduate student research proposals, the University has a requirement to notify UKVI within 28 days of the changes. Students who are not UK, EEA or Swiss nationals may be required to obtain an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate. Information regarding which courses require an ATAS certificate can be found here. It is the responsibility of Swansea University supervisors to notify the University’s International Student Compliance Team (Education Services), of changes to the student’s original research proposal or the use of any new research technique. For more information, please read the ATAS and Change of Research Topic Policy and Procedure.

The University has a requirement to notify UKVI within 28 days of any changes to postgraduate student research proposals, for those that require an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate. This applies to non EEA students only.

Information regarding which courses require an ATAS certificate can be found via:

It is the responsibility of Swansea University supervisors to notify the University’s International Student Compliance Team (Education Services), of changes to the student’s original research proposal or the use of any new research technique.

In order to capture changes and advise students concerning the validity of their ATAS, the following procedure should be followed:

  1. Any change to the student’s original research proposal or the use of any new research technique associated with an ATAS student should be notified to the International Student Compliance Team.
  2. Using the, supervisors should send an email specifically highlighting a) the original research topic and b) the proposed new research topic.
  3. The International Student Compliance team will make an evaluation regarding the variation of change and notify the student and supervisor to re-apply for the ATAS, if that is needed. Re-applying carries no financial cost.
  4. The International Student Compliance Team will be responsible for recording and monitoring changes. If you have any questions or queries, please contact the International Student Compliance Team via
Applying for a CAS Statement Student Route (previously Tier 4) Doctorate Extension Scheme Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)