A study period or work placement abroad, or, an ‘intercalary year’

You are positively encouraged to consider studying abroad and to learn a language whilst studying for a degree at Swansea University. It is recognised that a mobility experience can offer a significant enhancement to your learning experience, not only in terms of learning an additional language (if relevant), but also of being exposed to and learning from a different culture. Your employability prospects will undoubtedly be enhanced following a successful study period or work placement in another country.

Some degree programmes offered at Swansea include an ‘intercalary year’, as an integral part of the degree. During the ‘intercalary year’ you will either study at a foreign university, or undertake an industrial placement. Some Faculties/Schools also offer opportunities for a semester of study at a foreign university or a semester industrial placement. 

Your progress, while undertaking your placement, is carefully monitored by the Home Faculty/School and the results from any mobility opportunity will contribute to your progression from one year to the next. If your progress or performance is unsatisfactory you may be required to withdraw from the programme or, possibly, from the University.

If you study in a foreign university you will be informed of the mark assigned to your studies by the Home Faculty/School. This mark will be included in the degree classification conventions and might influence your degree classification. The rules governing the awarding of a degree for students studying a programme which includes an intercalary year are included in programme regulations and assessment regulations. View the approved marks conversion tables.

View further information on how a mark(s) is generated for a mobility study placement

Information on study abroad opportunities can be obtained from the Go Global team, based in the International Development Office (email: studyabroad@swansea.ac.uk), and from your Faculty/School.

Exchange and Visiting Students

The University welcomes all exchange and visiting students and makes every effort to offer the same opportunities for studying which are available to other students. However, some Faculties/Schools may restrict your choice of modules for academic reasons. Each Faculty/School has a nominated member of staff responsible for managing exchange and visiting student issues. Information relevant to you may be contained in the Faculty/School handbook or alternatively, the Faculty/School Secretary/Administrator may be able to offer you any advice. You may wish to introduce yourself to the nominated staff member and present any learning agreements for signature and endorsement. 

Academic Transcripts are available to download by late March for semester 1 Visiting & Exchange students and late July for full year and semester 2 Visiting & Exchange students.

Visiting & Exchange students should contact myunihub to request to be included in the August re-sit examination period for any failed modules.

Please note that Swansea cannot proctor exams.

The International Development Office is responsible for visiting and exchange students. Email: studyabroad@swansea.ac.uk.