Year/Semester abroad and industry placements

This information is relating to new students domiciled in England and Wales. For information on what is available if you are from outside of England or Wales or are a continuing student, please contact the Money@CampusLife team.

What is a Year/Semester Abroad?
Students may have the opportunity to spend a period of time working/studying abroad at a partner University.  Students on 4 year degree programmes normally spend the whole of the third year abroad.

Students on a 3 year degree programme may be able to spend one semester abroad on a study placement. Students interested in this option will need to discuss it with their department as the planned study abroad will need to be fully approved in advance of the placement.

What is a Year in Industry?
Also known as a ‘Sandwich Year’, students on certain courses may have the opportunity to spend a year working with a partner organisation as a way of gaining valuable experience and skills.

Placements are usually undertaken as part of a 4 year course and may be paid or unpaid.

Swansea University Tuition Fee Charges 


          Welsh Domiciled Students                             English Domiciled Students

Year Abroad: Study

15% of full fee i.e. £1380

Tuition Fee Loan Available

15% of full fee i.e. £1380.

Tuition Fee Loan Available

Year Abroad: Work

15% of full fee i.e. £1380

Tuition Fee Loan Available

15% of full fee i.e. £1380.

Tuition Fee Loan Available

Year in Industry

20 % of full fee i.e. £1,850

Tuition Fee Loan Available

20% of full fee i.e. £1,850

Tuition Fee Loan Available

Eligibly for Tuition Fee Loans and Grants is subject to the usual eligibility criteria. See our Undergraduate Student Funding Guide for more information.

Tuition Fees
The cost of the Tuition Fees for a year abroad/ placement depend on the scheme under which it is accessed. Any fees due are payable to Swansea University.

Maintenance Funding
Always check with your funding provider regarding eligibility for Means Tested Maintenance Funding and Supplementary Grants as the criteria for receiving these varies depending on individual circumstances and the type of placement you are undertaking.

Access to Maintenance Funding for Welsh and English Domiciled Students



Maintenance Loan

Means Tested Maintenance Grant (SFW Only)

Additional Travel Grant

Supplementary Grants

Year Abroad: Study




Check with funding provider

Year Abroad:



Reduced Rate



Check with funding provider

Year In Industry



Reduced Rate



Check with funding provider

Year In Industry




Reduced Rate



Check with funding provider

*Students on a paid placement are not eligible for the Travel Grant, unless the placement is part of Turing or Taith scheme. If students have applied for funding via the Turing scheme or Taith they should make their initial claim for travel expenses to the relevant scheme and if any further costs are incurred, they can claim via Travel Grant. 

^There are some exceptions to this for those students undertaking an unpaid placement with specific public institutions/voluntary organisations/research placements, etc. Please contact the Money@CampusLife Team for more information


Swansea University’s Go Global Team can provide more information about working and studying abroad.


For information about studying or working abroad whilst on an NHS funded course please contact the department with whom you intend to study.

If you’re living in Scotland, Northern Ireland or are an EU or International student, please contact us to discuss the funding available.