There is more to student life than your academic study. Take ownership, and use this page as a starting block in your journey to making the most of your time as a Science and Engineering Student.

Step 1: Keep Up to Date

There is so much going on, it can be hard to know where to start. To start off, we recommend you keep an eye on the Faculty Canvas Community Hub for our weekly 'Your Week Ahead' announcements and follow us on Instagram for the latest SciEng events and information. Make sure you're checking your emails so you don't miss one! 

You can also scroll down for additional ways to keep yourself in the loop with what's going on across the University. 

Go to your Community Hub
students on bench, road map, notification bell

Step 2: Find Your Communities

There are lots of ways to get involved with communities across the University. 

Most programmes have an Academic Society which are a great way to engage with others in your department. Find out more on the Student Union Webpages for information on all societies.

Societies Information
Students on bench, roadmap with symbol of three people together.

Step 3: Take Opportunities

Make the most of the additional experience and skills that you can gain as your study. Check out the opportunities that are available to you. 

Student Opportunities
Students outside

Step 4: Use your Voice

We work hard to build your journey with you, so it’s important that you tell us your views, ideas and experiences as you go. There’s lots of ways to share your feedback, make sure to use your voice.

Student Voice
Students outside coffeopolis