Grad students
Grad students
Grad students

Each year we formally recognise a small number of Graduates for their outstanding effort in their studies. All Postgraduate Research Students are eligible to be nominated for a Graduation Award. The awards available are as follows:

  • Best PhD Thesis in the Faculty
  • Best MSc Thesis in the Faculty
  • Best PhD Thesis in each School
  • Best MSc Thesis in each School

Awards take place on an annual basis and are decided in time for the Summer Graduation each year. Students graduating in the Winter Graduation will be considered for an award during the following Summer Graduation. Supervisors are asked to nominate students for an award.

All nominations are considered by the PGR Tutors and Head of Schools. The faculty prize is decided by the Associate Dean for Research and Engagement once a list of finalists has been provided by the Heads of Schools.

On occasion there may be Highly Commended Certificates, but these are not guaranteed and are dependent on the number of excellent nominations received.