Overview of Travel reservations
The university has implemented a travel management policy in order to support the travel needs of staff and students. The policy makes provision for travel reservations both in the United Kingdom and overseas. Another key element of the policy is to ensure the health and safety of all staff and students who undertake travel on behalf of the university in accordance with our duty of care.
When planning travel reservations the following guidance is to be followed:
- Discuss your travel requirements with your supervisor as they will be responsible for the funds that will support your travel requests.
- Your supervisor will review your request and will confirm whether approval has been granted. They will then confirm the account code details that will need to be confirmed in your travel request.
- You will need to complete a number of forms for both international and national travel.
Travel Policy
All students are required to complete a Request to travel form to any International travel. In addition you will need to complete an International Travel Risk Assessment (Green, Amber, Red). Once completed these forms need to be sent to fse-exec@swansea.ac.uk for approval from the Faculty.
National Travel
All students are required to complete a Risk Assessment prior to any National travel. Once completed this form needs to be sent to fse-exec@swansea.ac.uk for approval from the Faculty.
Once the form has been approved, you will need to complete the Request to Travel form from the Service Centre Portal.
It is essential that these forms are completed prior to travel so that you are covered by the University Insurance Policy, therefore please do not leave it to the last minute to submit forms for approval to travel, ideally you should submit this information at least one month before travel if possible.
International Travel
International travel is a regular part of work and study at Swansea University, therefore it is important all staff and students working and travelling internationally are aware of the potential risks, and follow the required guidance and procedures to help keep themselves and those they may be travelling with safe. International travel can be anything from attending a conference, visiting an International University, to conducting fieldwork anywhere outside of Great Britain.
As with other types of travel, international travel comes with its own risks, therefore it is essential you plan your trip in a timely manner to ensure all risks and controls/ arrangements have been considered, including emergency plans and plans for any form of disruption are in place, to allow the trip to go ahead safely.
There are three forms required for international travel approval:
- Request to Travel Form
- International Travel Risk Assessment Form
- Participant Declaration and Information Form (for group travel only)
Further guidance on international travel can be found here.
International Travel Risk Assessment Guidance
All queries relating to travel should be raised on the new Service Centre Portal.