Welcome to the Faculty of Science and Engineering

picture of students walking on the beach by Bay Campus with the Great Hall in the background

Welcome back from the Faculty of Science and Engineering 

We hope that you had a lovely summer break and are looking forward to returning to Swansea!

We, at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, are excited to welcome you back.

Here are some steps you can complete to prepare for the new academic year:

Departmental Welcome Back Talks

In the first few weeks of the Semester, your department will speak with you to deliver some key information and updates for this academic year. In some instances, talks will take place during Welcome Week (23rd – 27th September). Please do your best to attend these!

If you do not see your programme listed below, no talk has been arranged, and you will hear from your Department after Welcome Week instead.

There's plenty going on during Welcome Week for new and returning students, find out what else is on by scrolling below.

All Faculties Welcome Fayre

Find out more about ways to get involved, access support when you need it and make sure you have everything you need in place for your first week of teaching. There’ll also be chance to take part in competitions and get some freebies.  

25th September 2024 13:00-16:00 The Taliesin Building, Ground Floor (Singleton Park Campus)
26th September 2024 13:00-16:00 The Atrium in Engineering North (Bay Campus)