Your journey starts here...


Welcome to Swansea University!

Congratulations on securing a place to study at the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Science-  School of Health & Social Care

We can’t wait to meet you in September and wanted to give you some important hints and tips before you join us for induction. 

On this page, you will find key information that you can refer to ahead of and during your studies with us. We hope that this will get you excited about starting University and will hopefully help to settle any nerves you may have.

Remember, for your specific programme induction, check out your induction schedule below!

If you have any queries before your arrival- check out our Student Experience and Information Guide 

We look forward to seeing you in September



Induction Schedule 2024

Tuesday 24th September 2024

12pm -1pm

1pm – 3pm & 3pm – 5pm

Vivian Tower 329

Welcome to the programme

Introduction to practical skills

Wednesday 25th September 2024 Thursday 26th September 2024 Friday 27th September 2024

Meet the teaching team


Academic Support

Student Societies