It is your responsibility to evacuate yourself from a building in the event of a fire alarm activation. Should you have a disability which you would require assistance to evacuate safely from a building, please refer to advice below on Perosnal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs).
You should familiarise yourself with the emergency evacuation routes, exits and fire assembly points for the building you are occupying at the University. Directional signage is provided to assist you in identifying the escape routes and exits in an emergency situation.
If you have any concerns in relation to fire safety within your buildings you should report this initially to your Faculty/ PSU H&S Advisor or direct to the University's Premises Safety and Compliance Manager, Andrew Hillier.
In the event of a fire alarm activation:
All staff and students will be required to immediately evacuate their buidling should the fire alarm sound. If you see smoke, flames or smell buring and the fire alarm has not yet been activated then:
- Raise the alarm immediately by breaking the glass of the nearest emergency alarm call point (red box).
- Immediately call 999 when you have exited the building and give the location of the fire, state which campus and building. Then contact the University Security and Campus Response Team on 333 or 01792 513333 to inform them of the situation.
On evacuating the building due to the fire alarm being sounded then:
- Close your workplace doors and windows (if safe to do so) when leaving the building.
- When clear of the building, proceed to the fire Assembly Point for the building and await further instruction from the Incident Controller (Security Supervisor).
- If you have any information relating to persons still remaining in the building then notify the Incident Controller (Security Supervisor) as soon as you can.
- Portable firefighting equipment (fire extinguishers)are located in all buildings to aid safe evacuation.
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs):
If you have a condition that affects your ability to evacuate the building a personal plan can be developed to support you to evacuate a building safety. The plan will be tailored to your specific requirements and developed in liaison with you. For advice and support in developing your PEEP contact the Wellbeing and Disability Service. Alternatively, email the Health and Safety team.
Do not remove or interfere with any equipment supplied for fire safety. If you notice fire equipment is missing or damaged report it to your College/ PSU H&S Lead or the Health and Safety team immediately. Only use portable firefighting eqiupment if you are trained and it is safe to do so.
Fire prevention is part of your responsibility:
- Only use electrical extension leads if permission is obtained from Estates & Facilities Management (E&FM) - fully extend coiled extension leads prior to use. Extension leads are not be 'daisy changed' together.
- Check electrical appliances for damage before use. Report if equipment is damaged or does not have a portable appliance (PAT) test sticker on it.
- Smoking is not permitted within 5 metres of a building and only allowed on campus in designated zones.
- Make sure cigarettes and matches are fully extinguished and placed in the bins provided.
- Ensure all waste is disposed of safely in line with the University Waste Management Plan. Do not accumulate large amounts of waste.
- Take good care to maintain a general clean and safe work environment by keeping areas tidy and removing hazards, such as cables (trip hazard) and paper piles (fire hazard).
- Never ignore a potential hazard, even if it is not in your work area.
- Do not wedge open fire doors.
- Do not cover smoke detector heads.
- Do not use toasters/ microwaves or portable grills in offices/ redidential rooms. These must be located in designated kitchen areas.
- Do not use portable electric heaters without authorisation from E&FM
Many gases are highly flammable and if you smell gas you must:
- Notify everyone in the area and evacuate the vicinity. Inform Security – ring 333 or use the SafeZone app.
- Do not sound the fire alarm or switch on/ off any electrical devices.
- If it is safe to do so, turn off the source of gas if you can identify it.
Supporting Documents
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) Guidance Note
Fire Assembly Points - Singleton Campus