Share feedback, Give Praise, Ask a Question or Make a Suggestion

Unitu is YOUR student voice platform. It’s a safe online space where students, Reps and staff can collectively raise, discuss and resolve both academic and more general experience issues, give praise, ask questions or post constructive feedback anonymously. It allows the University to respond to and act on feedback in real time to ensure you have the best possible student experience with us here at Swansea.

Unitu won THE Technological Innovation of the Year Award in 2019. Judges praised the platform for revolutionising “the way the University engages with learners about key issues, such as well-being and transport”.

So, how does it work?

Unitu is structured as a discussion board, broken down into two key areas:

  1. The private section - in this area, you can ask questions, post ideas, give praise and raise issues between you, your classmates and your Reps in private. Staff do not have access to this area, and therefore cannot see the posts you make here. If your post attracts enough comments and votes, your Rep will move it into the public area, and only then can staff view it. If your post requires a response from staff (if it can't be dealt with by Reps), then your Rep must move it to the publc section.
  2. The public section - in this area, staff are able to see your post. This means that staff can now provide a response, answer your question or ask for more information in order to deal with the topics raised in the post.

Remember, if you choose to post anonymously, students, staff and Reps cannot identify you.

If you'd like to learn more about Unitu and how it works, there are loads of handy videos and tutorials over on the Unitu Youtube channel.

Here are just some examples of how your feedback has helped us to make improvements:

  • There are now a number of new student spaces    
  • Weekend study space opening hours have been extended in two locations
  • A new crossing point was installed at the Bay Campus
  • Better signage for water refill points put in place
  • WiFi improved at Bay residences
  • Microwaves were installed in Singleton Library


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